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data — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Place to store any data you want.
data — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Any data that you'd like associated with your tween.
data — Property in class com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent
Event-related data which varies based on the type of event.
DataLoader — Class in package com.greensock.loading
Loads generic data which can be text (the default), binary data, or URL-encoded variables.
DataLoader(urlOrRequest, vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.loading.DataLoader
DataLoaderVars — Dynamic class in package com.greensock.loading.data
Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of a DataLoader's constructor.
DataLoaderVars(name, estimatedBytes, format, onComplete, onProgress, onFail, noCache, alternateURL, requireWithRoot) — Constructor in class com.greensock.loading.data.DataLoaderVars
deactivate() — Method in class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it swaps the source's original TextField back into the display list.
deactivate() — Method in class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
When a SplitTextField is deactivated, it swaps the source TextField back into the display list.
deblocking — Property in class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Indicates the type of filter applied to decoded video as part of post-processing.
defaultAuditSize — Static property in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Controls the default value of auditSize in LoaderMax instances (normally true).
defaultEase — Static property in class com.greensock.TweenLite
Provides an easy way to change the default easing equation.
defaultEstimatedBytes — Static property in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
The default value that will be used for the estimatedBytes on loaders that don't declare one in the vars parameter of the constructor.
defaultStage — Static property in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
Refers to the first LiquidStage instance created (or you can set it to any other instance) - it serves as an easy way to reference a LiquidStage through a static variable.
delay — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Length of time in seconds (or frames for frames-based tweens/timelines) before the tween should begin.
delay — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
The number of seconds (or frames for frames-based tweens) to delay before the tween begins.
delayedCall(delay, onComplete, onCompleteParams, useFrames) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenLite
Provides a simple way to call a function after a set amount of time (or frames).
delayedCall(delay, onComplete, onCompleteParams, useFrames) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenMax
Provides a simple way to call a function after a set amount of time (or frames).
delayedCall(delay, onComplete, onCompleteParams, useFrames) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenNano
Provides a simple way to call a function after a set amount of time (or frames).
DELETE — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.TransformEvent
DEPTH_CHANGE — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.TransformEvent
DESELECT — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.TransformEvent
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.TweenProxy
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.easing.CustomEase
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
Destroys the instance by releasing all DisplayObjects, setting preview to false, and nulling references to the parent, ensuring that garbage collection isn't hindered.
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidArea
Destroys the instance by releasing all DisplayObjects, setting preview to false, and nulling references to the parent, ensuring that garbage collection isn't hindered.
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.layout.PinPoint
Destroys the PinPoint, making it eligible for garbage collection.
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
Deactivates the FlexSplitTextField (swapping the original TextField back into place) and deletes all child TextFields that resulted from the split operation, and nulls references to the source so that it's eligible for garbage collection.
destroy() — Method in class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
Deactivates the SplitTextField (swapping the original TextField back into place) and deletes all child TextFields that resulted from the split operation, and nulls references to the source so that it's eligible for garbage collection.
DESTROY — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.TransformEvent
Direction — Class in package com.greensock.motionPaths
Constants for defining the direction in which to travel on a MotionPath (like CLOCKWISE, COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, SHORTEST, etc.).
disableTweenMode() — Method in class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
Disables the area's tween mode; normally, any changes to the area's transform properties like x, y, scaleX, scaleY, width, or height will force an immediate update() call but when the area is in tween mode, that automatic update() is suspended.
dispatchEvent(event) — Method in class com.greensock.layout.PinPoint
DisplayObjectLoader — Class in package com.greensock.loading.core
Serves as the base class for SWFLoader and ImageLoader.
DisplayObjectLoader(urlOrRequest, vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.loading.core.DisplayObjectLoader
DisplayObjectLoaderVars — Dynamic class in package com.greensock.loading.data.core
Facilitates code hinting and data type enforcement for the vars object that's passed into the constructor of various DisplayObject-related loaders in the LoaderMax system.
DisplayObjectLoaderVars(name, estimatedBytes, container, width, height, scaleMode, onComplete, onProgress, onFail, noCache, alternateURL, requireWithRoot) — Constructor in class com.greensock.loading.data.core.DisplayObjectLoaderVars
dispose(flushContent) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Disposes of the loader and releases it internally for garbage collection.
dispose(unloadLoader, disposeLoader) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.display.ContentDisplay
Removes the ContentDisplay from the display list (if necessary), dumps the rawContent, and calls unload() and dispose() on the loader (unless you define otherwise with the optional parameters).
dispose(unloadLoader, disposeLoader) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.display.FlexContentDisplay
Removes the FlexContentDisplay from the display list (if necessary), dumps the rawContent, and calls unload() and dispose() on the loader (unless you define otherwise with the optional parameters).
DISPOSED — Constant static property in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderStatus
The loader has been disposed.
distance — Property in class com.greensock.data.BevelFilterVars
distance — Property in class com.greensock.data.DropShadowFilterVars
distribute(targets, min, max, autoRotate, rotationOffset) — Method in class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
Distributes objects evenly along the MotionPath.
DOUBLE_CLICK — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.TransformEvent
dropShadowFilter — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Applies a DropShadowFilter tween (use the DropShadowFilterVars class to define the values).
DropShadowFilterPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
Tweens a DropShadowFilter.
DropShadowFilterVars — Class in package com.greensock.data
DropShadowFilterVars(distance, blurX, blurY, alpha, angle, color, strength, inner, knockout, hideObject, quality, remove, index, addFilter) — Constructor in class com.greensock.data.DropShadowFilterVars
duration — Property in class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Duration of the timeline in seconds (or frames for frames-based timelines) not including any repeats or repeatDelays.
duration — Property in class com.greensock.TweenNano
Duration of the tween in seconds (or in frames if "useFrames" is true).
duration — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Duration of the tween in seconds (or frames for frames-based tweens/timelines) not including any repeats or repeatDelays.
duration — Property in class com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader
The duration (in seconds) of the sound.
duration — Property in class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
The duration (in seconds) of the video.
DynamicPinPoint — Class in package com.greensock.layout
Sometimes it's useful to have a PinPoint base its coordinates on some custom criteria, like the edge of another DisplayObject or the center of an object whose width/height changes frequently, so DynamicPinPoint allows you to associate a function (one you define) that returns a Point instance that will determine the DynamicPinPoint's x/y values.
DynamicPinPoint(target, getter, liquidStage:com.greensock.layout:LiquidStage) — Constructor in class com.greensock.layout.DynamicPinPoint
dynamicProps — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Allows you to associate a function with a property so that every time the tween is updated, it calls that function to get the end value for the associated property.
DynamicPropsPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
If you'd like to tween something to a destination value that may change at any time, DynamicPropsPlugin allows you to simply associate a function with a property so that every time the tween is rendered, it calls that function to get the new destination value for the associated property.
dynamicTween(duration, vars) — Method in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidArea
If you want to tween a LiquidArea's transform properties (like x, y, width, height, scaleX, or scaleY), you may want the destination values to be dynamically affected by LiquidStage resizes and that's exactly what dynamicTween() allows.
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