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parse(data, vars, childrenVars) — Static method in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Analyzes a url or array of urls and attempts to automatically create the appropriate loader(s) based on file extension(s) in the url(s), returning either an individual loader like an ImageLoader, SWFLoader, XMLLoader, etc or if an array is passed in, a LoaderMax will be returned containing a child for each parsed url (or URLRequest) in the array.
parseBeziers(props, through) — Static method in class com.greensock.plugins.BezierPlugin
Helper method for translating control points into bezier information.
parseLoaders(xml, all:com.greensock.loading:LoaderMax, toLoad:com.greensock.loading:LoaderMax) — Static method in class com.greensock.loading.XMLLoader
Parses an XML object and finds all activated loader types (like LoaderMax, ImageLoader, SWFLoader, DataLoader, CSSLoader, MP3Loader, etc.), creates the necessary instances, and appends them to the LoaderMax that is defined in the 2nd parameter.
path — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.PathFollower
The MotionPath instance that this PathFollower should follow
PathFollower — Class in package com.greensock.motionPaths
A PathFollower is used to associate a particular target object (like a MovieClip, Point, Sprite, etc.) with a MotionPath and it offers a tweenable progress property that manages positioning the target on the path accordingly.
PathFollower(target, autoRotate, rotationOffset) — Constructor in class com.greensock.motionPaths.PathFollower
pause() — Method in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Pauses the tween/timeline
pause() — Method in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Pauses the loader immediately.
pauseAll(tweens, delayedCalls) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenMax
Pauses all tweens and/or delayedCalls/callbacks.
paused — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Indicates the paused state of the tween/timeline.
paused — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
If true, the tween will be paused initially.
paused — Property in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
If a loader is paused, its progress will halt and any LoaderMax instances to which it belongs will either skip over it or stop when its position is reached in the queue (depending on whether or not the LoaderMax's skipPaused property is true).
PAUSED — Constant static property in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderStatus
The loader is paused.
PAUSED_STATE_ENTERED — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.VideoEvent
pauseSound(event) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader
Pauses playback of the sound.
pauseVideo(event) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
Pauses playback of the video.
Physics2DPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
Provides simple physics functionality for tweening a DisplayObject's x and y coordinates based on a combination of velocity, angle, gravity, acceleration, accelerationAngle, and/or friction.
Physics2DPlugin() — Constructor in class com.greensock.plugins.Physics2DPlugin
PhysicsPropsPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
Sometimes you want to tween a property (or several) but you don't have a specific end value in mind - instead, you'd rather describe the movement in terms of physics concepts, like velocity, acceleration, and/or friction.
pinCorners(topLeft:com.greensock.layout:PinPoint, bottomRight:com.greensock.layout:PinPoint, reconcile, tweenDuration, tweenVars, strict) — Method in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidArea
By default, a LiquidArea pins itself to the TOP_LEFT and BOTTOM_RIGHT PinPoints of the LiquidStage, but this method allows you to pin the corners to different PinPoints if you prefer.
PinPoint — Class in package com.greensock.layout
PinPoint works with LiquidStage to create reference points on the stage and/or inside DisplayObjects so that the movement of these PinPoints trickles down and affects the position of attached DisplayObjects.
PinPoint(x, y, target, liquidStage:com.greensock.layout:LiquidStage) — Constructor in class com.greensock.layout.PinPoint
play() — Method in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Starts playing forward from the current position.
PLAYING_STATE_ENTERED — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.VideoEvent
playProgress — Property in class com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader
A value between 0 and 1 describing the playback progress where 0 means the virtual playhead is at the very beginning of the sound, 0.5 means it is at the halfway point and 1 means it is at the end of the sound.
playProgress — Property in class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
A value between 0 and 1 describing the playback progress where 0 means the virtual playhead is at the very beginning of the video, 0.5 means it is at the halfway point and 1 means it is at the end of the video.
PLAY_PROGRESS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader
Event type constant for when the playback progresses (only dispatched when the sound is playing).
PLAY_PROGRESS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
Event type constant for when the playback progresses (only dispatched when the video is playing).
playSound(event) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader
Plays the sound.
playVideo(event) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader
Plays the video (if the buffer isn't full yet, playback will wait until the buffer is full).
point — Property in class com.greensock.data.TransformAroundPointVars
points — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.LinePath2D
The array of Points through which the LinePath2D is drawn.
power — Constant static property in class com.greensock.easing.Cubic
power — Constant static property in class com.greensock.easing.Linear
power — Constant static property in class com.greensock.easing.Quad
power — Constant static property in class com.greensock.easing.Quart
power — Constant static property in class com.greensock.easing.Quint
power — Constant static property in class com.greensock.easing.Strong
PREEXISTING — Constant static property in class com.greensock.OverwriteManager
Overwrites tweens of the same target that existed before this tween regardless of their start/end time or active state or overlapping properties.
prepend(tween:com.greensock.core:TweenCore, adjustLabels) — Method in class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Inserts a TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, or TimelineMax instance at the beginning of the timeline, pushing all existing tweens back in time to make room for the newly inserted one.
prepend(loader:com.greensock.loading.core:LoaderCore) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Prepends a loader at the beginning of the queue (append() adds the loader to the end whereas prepend() adds it to the beginning).
prependMultiple(tweens, align, stagger, adjustLabels) — Method in class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Prepends multiple tweens/timelines to the beginning of the timeline at once, moving all existing children back to make room, and optionally aligning the new children (as a sequence for example) and/or staggering the timing.

prependURLs(prependText, includeNested) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Immediately prepends a value to the beginning of each child loader's url.
preview — Property in class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
To see a visual representation of the area on the screen, set preview to true.
previewColor — Property in class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
The preview color with which the area should be filled, making it easy to visualize on the stage.
prevNode — Property in class com.greensock.core.PropTween
Previous PropTween in the linked list
prioritize(nameOrURL, loadNow) — Static method in class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Immediately prioritizes a loader inside any LoaderMax instances that contain it, forcing it to the top position in their queue and optionally calls load() immediately as well.
prioritize(loadNow) — Method in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Immediately prioritizes the loader inside any LoaderMax instances that contain it, forcing it to the top position in their queue and optionally calls load() immediately as well.
priority — Property in class com.greensock.core.PropTween
Priority in the rendering queue.
progress — Property in class com.greensock.loading.XMLLoader
A value between 0 and 1 indicating the overall progress of the loader.
progress — Event in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Dispatched each time the bytesLoaded value changes while loading (indicating progress).
progress — Property in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
A value between 0 and 1 indicating the overall progress of the loader.
progress — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
A value (typically between 0 and 1) that can be used to move all followers along the path.
progress — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.PathFollower
A value (typically between 0 and 1) that can be used to move all followers along the path.
PROGRESS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent
Dispatched when the loader's bytesLoaded changes.
progressToAngle(progress, useRadians) — Method in class com.greensock.motionPaths.CirclePath2D
Translates a progress value (typically between 0 and 1 where 0 is the beginning of the path, 0.5 is in the middle, and 1 is at the end) to the associated angle on the CirclePath2D.
property — Property in class com.greensock.core.PropTween
Name of the property that is being tweened
PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE — Constant static property in class com.greensock.layout.ScaleMode
Scales the object proportionally to fit inside the area (its edges will never exceed the bounds of the area).
PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE — Constant static property in class com.greensock.layout.ScaleMode
Scales the object proportionally to completely fill the area, allowing portions of it to exceed the bounds when its aspect ratio doesn't match the area's.
PropTween — Class in package com.greensock.core
Stores information about an individual property tween.
PropTween(target, property, start, change, name, isPlugin, nextNode:com.greensock.core:PropTween, priority) — Constructor in class com.greensock.core.PropTween
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