Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

com.greensock.layout Provides constants for defining the alignment of objects.
com.greensock.plugins Tweening "autoAlpha" is exactly the same as tweening an object's "alpha" except that it ensures that the object's "visible" property is true until autoAlpha reaches zero at which point it will toggle the "visible" property to false.
com.greensock.layout AutoFitArea allows you to define a rectangular area and then attach() DisplayObjects so that they automatically fill the area, scaling/stretching in any of the following modes: STRETCH, PROPORTIONAL_INSIDE, PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE, NONE, WIDTH_ONLY, or HEIGHT_ONLY.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a BevelFilter.
com.greensock.plugins Bezier tweening allows you to tween in a non-linear way.
com.greensock.plugins Identical to bezier except that instead of defining bezier control point values, you define points through which the bezier values should move.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a BlurFilter.
com.greensock.plugins Forces the cacheAsBitmap property of a DisplayObject to be a certain value (true or false) during the tween and then sets it back to whatever it was before the tween was rendered for the first time.
com.greensock.motionPaths A CirclePath2D defines a circular path on which a PathFollower can be placed, making it simple to tween objects along a circle or oval (make an oval by altering the width/height/scaleX/scaleY properties).
com.greensock.plugins Tweens an object along a CirclePath2D motion path in any direction (clockwise, counter-clockwise, or shortest).
com.greensock.plugins ColorMatrixFilter tweening offers an easy way to tween a DisplayObject's saturation, hue, contrast, brightness, and colorization.
com.greensock.plugins Ever wanted to tween ColorTransform properties of a DisplayObject to do advanced effects like overexposing, altering the brightness or setting the percent/amount of tint? Or maybe tween individual ColorTransform properties like redMultiplier, redOffset, blueMultiplier, blueOffset, etc.
com.greensock.loading.display A container for visual content that is loaded by any of the following: ImageLoaders, SWFLoaders, or VideoLoaders.
com.greensock.loading Loads StyleSheet (CSS) data.
 CSSLoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of a CSSLoader's constructor.
com.greensock.easing Facilitates creating custom bezier eases with the GreenSock Custom Ease Builder tool.
com.greensock.loading Loads generic data which can be text (the default), binary data, or URL-encoded variables.
 DataLoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of a DataLoader's constructor.
com.greensock.motionPaths Constants for defining the direction in which to travel on a MotionPath (like CLOCKWISE, COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, SHORTEST, etc.).
com.greensock.loading.core Serves as the base class for SWFLoader and ImageLoader.
 DisplayObjectLoaderVars Facilitates code hinting and data type enforcement for the vars object that's passed into the constructor of various DisplayObject-related loaders in the LoaderMax system.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a DropShadowFilter.
com.greensock.layout Sometimes it's useful to have a PinPoint base its coordinates on some custom criteria, like the edge of another DisplayObject or the center of an object whose width/height changes frequently, so DynamicPinPoint allows you to associate a function (one you define) that returns a Point instance that will determine the DynamicPinPoint's x/y values.
com.greensock.plugins If you'd like to tween something to a destination value that may change at any time, DynamicPropsPlugin allows you to simply associate a function with a property so that every time the tween is rendered, it calls that function to get the new destination value for the associated property.
com.greensock.easing EaseLookup enables you to find the easing function associated with a particular name (String), like "strongEaseOut" which can be useful when loading in XML data that comes in as Strings but needs to be translated to native function references.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens numbers in an Array.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens numbers in an Vector..
com.greensock.easing TweenMax (AS3 only) has built-in algorithms that speed up the processing of certain easing equations but in order to take advantage of those optimizations, you must activate the easing equations first (you only need to activate them ONCE in your swf).
com.greensock.plugins Slightly faster way to change a DisplayObject's x, y, scaleX, scaleY, and rotation value(s).
com.greensock.plugins Base class for all filter plugins (like blurFilter, colorMatrixFilter, glowFilter, etc.).
 FilterVars This class works in conjunction with the TweenLiteVars or TweenMaxVars class to grant strict data typing and code hinting (in most code editors).
com.greensock.loading.display A container for visual content that is loaded by any of the following: ImageLoaders, SWFLoaders, or VideoLoaders which is to be used in Flex.
com.greensock.text FlexSplitTextField makes it easy to break apart the TextField in a UIComponent like a Label, Text, or TextArea so that each character, word, or line is in its own TextField, making complex animation simple.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a MovieClip backward to a particular frame number, wrapping it if/when it reaches the beginning of the timeline.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a MovieClip forward to a particular frame number, wrapping it if/when it reaches the end of the timeline.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a MovieClip to a particular frame label.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a MovieClip to a particular frame number.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens a GlowFilter.
com.greensock.plugins Although hex colors are technically numbers, if you try to tween them conventionally, you'll notice that they don't tween smoothly.
com.greensock.loading Loads an image file (png, jpg, or gif) and automatically applies smoothing by default.
 ImageLoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of an ImageLoader's constructor.
com.greensock.motionPaths A LinePath2D defines a path (using as many Points as you want) on which a PathFollower can be placed and animated.
com.greensock.layout LiquidArea is an AutoFitArea that integrates with LiquidStage, automatically adjusting its size whenever the stage is resized.
com.greensock.layout.core LiquidData holds core information about PinPoints and DisplayObjects that have been attached to a LiquidStage, but this class is only intended to be used by LiquidStage internally - there is no reason to use it directly.
com.greensock.plugins If you're using LiquidStage and you'd like to tween a DisplayObject to coordinates that are relative to a particular PinPoint (like the CENTER) whose position may change at any time, LiquidPositionPlugin makes it easy by dynamically updating the destination values accordingly.
com.greensock.layout LiquidStage allows you to "pin" DisplayObjects to reference points on the stage (or inside other DisplayObjects) so that when the stage is resized, they are repositioned and maintain their relative distance from the PinPoint.
com.greensock.loading.core Serves as the base class for GreenSock loading tools like LoaderMax, ImageLoader, XMLLoader, SWFLoader, etc.
 LoaderCoreVars Facilitates code hinting and data type enforcement for the vars object that's passed into the constructor of various loaders in the LoaderMax system.
 LoaderEvent An Event dispatched by one of the loaders in the LoaderMax system.
com.greensock.loading.core Serves as the base class for all individual loaders (not LoaderMax) like ImageLoader, XMLLoader, SWFLoader, MP3Loader, etc.
 LoaderItemVars Facilitates code hinting and data type enforcement for the vars object that's passed into the constructor of various LoaderItems in the LoaderMax system.
com.greensock.loading In its simplest form, a LoaderMax provides a way to group a sequence of loaders together and report their progress as a whole.
 LoaderMaxVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of a LoaderMax's constructor.
com.greensock.loading Defines status values for loaders.
com.greensock.plugins MotionBlurPlugin provides an easy way to apply a directional blur to a DisplayObject based on its velocity and angle of movement in 2D (x/y).
com.greensock.motionPaths A MotionPath defines a path along which a PathFollower can travel, making it relatively simple to do things like tween an object in a circular path.
com.greensock.loading Loads an MP3 audio file and also provides convenient playback methods and properties like pauseSound(), playSound(), gotoSoundTime(), playProgress, volume, soundPaused, duration, and soundTime.
 MP3LoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of an MP3Loader's constructor.
com.greensock OverwriteManager resolves conflicts between tweens and controls if (and how) existing tweens of the same target are overwritten.
com.greensock.motionPaths A PathFollower is used to associate a particular target object (like a MovieClip, Point, Sprite, etc.) with a MotionPath and it offers a tweenable progress property that manages positioning the target on the path accordingly.
com.greensock.plugins Provides simple physics functionality for tweening a DisplayObject's x and y coordinates based on a combination of velocity, angle, gravity, acceleration, accelerationAngle, and/or friction.
com.greensock.plugins Sometimes you want to tween a property (or several) but you don't have a specific end value in mind - instead, you'd rather describe the movement in terms of physics concepts, like velocity, acceleration, and/or friction.
com.greensock.layout PinPoint works with LiquidStage to create reference points on the stage and/or inside DisplayObjects so that the movement of these PinPoints trickles down and affects the position of attached DisplayObjects.
com.greensock.core Stores information about an individual property tween.
com.greensock.plugins Performs SLERP interpolation between 2 Quaternions.
com.greensock.motionPaths A RectanglePath2D defines a rectangular path on which a PathFollower can be placed, making it simple to tween objects along a rectangle's perimeter.
com.greensock.plugins Removes the tint of a DisplayObject over time.
com.greensock.easing Most easing equations give a smooth, gradual transition between the start and end values, but RoughEase provides an easy way to get a rough, jagged effect instead.
com.greensock.plugins If you'd like the inbetween values in a tween to always get rounded to the nearest integer, use the roundProps special property.
com.greensock.layout Provides constants for defining how objects should scale/stretch to fit within an area (like a LiquidArea or AutoFitArea).
com.greensock.plugins ScalePlugin combines scaleX and scaleY into one "scale" property.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens the scrollRect property of a DisplayObject.
com.greensock.loading Tracks the loading progress of the swf in which the loader resides (basically a simple tool for tracking the loaderInfo's progress).
com.greensock.plugins Some components require resizing with setActualSize() instead of standard tweens of width/height in order to scale properly.
com.greensock.plugins Some components require resizing with setSize() instead of standard tweens of width/height in order to scale properly.
com.greensock.plugins To tween any rotation property of the target object in the shortest direction, use "shortRotation" For example, if myObject.rotation is currently 170 degrees and you want to tween it to -170 degrees, a normal rotation tween would travel a total of 340 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction, but if you use shortRotation, it would travel 20 degrees in the clockwise direction instead.
com.greensock.core SimpleTimeline is the base class for the TimelineLite and TimelineMax classes.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens properties of an object's soundTransform property (like the volume, pan, leftToRight, etc.
com.greensock.text SplitTextField makes it easy to break apart a TextField so that each character, word, or line is in its own TextField, making complex animation simple.
com.greensock.plugins Sets the stage's quality to a particular value during a tween and another value after the tween which can be useful for improving rendering performance in the Flash Player while things are animating.


import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin;
import com.greensock.plugins.StageQualityPlugin;
import flash.display.StageQuality;
TweenPlugin.activate([StageQualityPlugin]); //activation is permanent in the SWF, so this line only needs to be run once., 1, {x:100, stageQuality:{stage:this.stage, during:StageQuality.LOW, after:StageQuality.HIGH}});

Copyright 2010, GreenSock.
com.greensock.loading Loads a swf file and automatically searches for active loaders in that swf that have the requireWithRoot vars property set to that swf's root.
 SWFLoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of a SWFLoader's constructor.
com.greensock TimelineLite is a lightweight, intuitive timeline class for building and managing sequences of TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and/or TimelineMax instances.
com.greensock TimelineMax extends TimelineLite, offering exactly the same functionality plus useful (but non-essential) features like AS3 event dispatching, repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo, currentLabel, addCallback(), removeCallback(), tweenTo(), tweenFromTo(), getLabelAfter(), getLabelBefore(), and getActive() (and probably more in the future).
com.greensock.plugins To change a DisplayObject's tint/color, set this to the hex value of the tint you'd like to end up at (or begin at if you're using TweenMax.from()).
com.greensock.plugins Normally, all transformations (scale, rotation, and position) are based on the DisplayObject's registration point (most often its upper left corner), but TransformAroundCenter allows you to make the transformations occur around the DisplayObject's center.
com.greensock.plugins Normally, all transformations (scale, rotation, and position) are based on the DisplayObject's registration point (most often its upper left corner), but TransformAroundPoint allows you to define ANY point around which transformations will occur during the tween.
 TransformEvent Event related to actions performed by TransformManager Copyright 2009, GreenSock.
com.greensock.plugins TransformMatrixPlugin allows you to tween a DisplayObject's transform.matrix values directly (a, b, c, d, tx, and ty) or use common properties like x, y, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, rotation and even shortRotation.
com.greensock Static constants for defining tween alignment.
com.greensock.core TweenCore is the base class for all TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and TimelineMax classes and provides core functionality and properties.
 TweenEvent Used for dispatching events from the GreenSock Tweening Platform.
com.greensock TweenLite is an extremely fast, lightweight, and flexible tweening engine that serves as the foundation of the GreenSock Tweening Platform.
 TweenLiteVars There are 2 primary benefits of using a TweenLiteVars instance to define your TweenLite variables:
  1. In most code editors, code hinting will be activated which helps remind you which special properties are available in TweenLite
  2. It allows you to code using strict datatyping (although it doesn't force you to).

Instead of, 1, {x:300, tint:0xFF0000, onComplete:myFunction}), you could use this utility like:

var myVars:TweenLiteVars = new TweenLiteVars();
myVars.addProp("x", 300); // use addProp() to add any property that doesn't already exist in the TweenLiteVars instance.
myVars.tint = 0xFF0000;
myVars.onComplete = myFunction;, 1, myVars);

  • This class adds about 13 Kb to your published SWF (including all dependencies).
  • This utility is completely optional.
com.greensock TweenMax extends the extremely lightweight, fast TweenLite engine, adding many useful features like timeScale, event dispatching, updateTo(), yoyo, repeat, repeatDelay, rounding, and more.
 TweenMaxVars There are 2 primary benefits of using this utility to define your TweenMax variables:
  1. In most code editors, code hinting will be activated which helps remind you which special properties are available in TweenMax
  2. It allows you to code using strict datatyping (although it doesn't force you to).
com.greensock TweenNano is a super-lightweight (1.6k in AS3 and 2k in AS2) version of TweenLite and is only recommended for situations where you absolutely cannot afford the extra 3.1k (4.7k total) that the normal TweenLite engine would cost and your project doesn't require any plugins.
com.greensock.plugins TweenPlugin is the base class for all TweenLite/TweenMax plugins.
com.greensock TweenProxy essentially "stands in" for a DisplayObject, adding several tweenable properties as well as the ability to set a custom registration point around which all transformations (like rotation, scale, and skew) occur.
 VarsCore VarsCore provides a way to make an object's non-dynamic properties enumerable (only if/when the property is set to a non-default value) which is necessary for many of the vars objects in the GreenSock tweening platform (TweenLiteVars, TweenMaxVars, etc.).
com.greensock.loading Loads an FLV, F4V, or MP4 video file using a NetStream and also provides convenient playback methods and properties like pauseVideo(), playVideo(), gotoVideoTime(), bufferProgress, playProgress, volume, duration, videoPaused, metaData, and videoTime.
 VideoLoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of a VideoLoader's constructor.
com.greensock.plugins Toggles the visibility at the end of a tween.
com.greensock.plugins Tweens the volume of an object with a soundTransform property (MovieClip/SoundChannel/NetStream, etc.).
com.greensock.loading Loads an XML file and automatically searches it for LoaderMax-related nodes like <LoaderMax>, <ImageLoader>, <SWFLoader>, <XMLLoader>, <DataLoader> <CSSLoader>, <MP3Loader>, etc.; if it finds any, it will create the necessary instances and begin loading them if they have a load="true" attribute.
 XMLLoaderVars Can be used instead of a generic object to define the vars parameter of an XMLLoader's constructor.