Classpublic class FlexSplitTextField
InheritanceFlexSplitTextField Inheritance flash.display.Sprite

FlexSplitTextField makes it easy to break apart the TextField in a UIComponent like a Label, Text, or TextArea so that each character, word, or line is in its own TextField, making complex animation simple. When you create a FlexSplitTextField, it loops through the source's children looking for a TextField and when it finds one, it replaces it with the SplitTextField (a Sprite) containing these multiple TextFields, all conveniently stored in a "textFields" array that you can, for example, feed to a TweenMax.allFrom() or loop through to create unique tweens for each character, word or line. The FlexSplitTextField keeps the same scale/rotation/position as the source TextField, and you can optionally offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels on its local x- or y-axis, which can be useful if, for example, you want to be able to scale the whole FlexSplitTextField from its center instead of its upper left corner. Use an onComplete in your tween to call the FlexSplitTextField's deactivate() or destroy() method which will swap the original TextField back into place.

Example AS3 code:
import com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField;
import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import com.greensock.easing.Elastic;
import com.greensock.plugins.*;
import flash.geom.Point;

//split myLabel by characters (the default type of split)
var stf1:FlexSplitTextField = new FlexSplitTextField(myLabel);

//tween each character down from 100 pixels above while fading in, and offset the start times by 0.05 seconds and then swap the original TextField back into place and destroy the split TextFields
TweenMax.allFrom(stf1.textFields, 1, {y:"-100", autoAlpha:0, ease:Elastic.easeOut}, 0.05, stf1.destroy);

//split myLabel2 by words
var stf2:FlexSplitTextField = new FlexSplitTextField(myLabel2, FlexSplitTextField.TYPE_WORDS);

//explode the words outward using the physics2D feature of TweenLite/Max
var i:int = stf2.textFields.length;
var explodeOrigin:Point = new Point(stf2.width * 0.4, stf2.height + 100);
while (i--) {
 var angle:Number = Math.atan2(stf2.textFields[i].y - explodeOrigin.y, stf2.textFields[i].x - explodeOrigin.x) * 180 / Math.PI;[i], 2, {physics2D:{angle:angle, velocity:Math.random() * 200 + 150, gravity:400}, scaleX:Math.random() * 4 - 2, scaleY:Math.random() * 4 - 2, rotation:Math.random() * 100 - 50, autoAlpha:0, delay:1 + Math.random()});

//split myText by lines
var stf3:FlexSplitTextField = new FlexSplitTextField(myText, FlexSplitTextField.TYPE_LINES);

//slide each line in from the right, fading it in over 1 second and staggering the start times by 0.5 seconds.
TweenMax.allFrom(stf3.textFields, 1, {x:"200", autoAlpha:0}, 0.5, stf3.destroy);


FlexSplitTextField is a Club GreenSock membership benefit. You must have a valid membership to use this class without violating the terms of use. Visit to sign up or get more details.

Copyright 2010, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for corporate Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the corporate membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  activated : Boolean
When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it replaces the source's original TextField in the display list.
  regOffsetX : Number
To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its x-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetX.
  regOffsetY : Number
To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its y-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetY.
  source : UIComponent
The source UIComponent whose TextField gets split apart.
  splitType : String
Determines the way in which the source TextField is split apart - either by characters, words, or lines.
  textFields : Array
Array of UITextFields resulting from the split (one for each character, word, or line based on the splitType)
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
FlexSplitTextField(source:UIComponent = null, splitType:String = "characters", regOffsetX:Number = 0, regOffsetY:Number = 0)
When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it takes the place of the source's original TextField in the display list.
When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it swaps the source's original TextField back into the display list.
Deactivates the FlexSplitTextField (swapping the original TextField back into place) and deletes all child TextFields that resulted from the split operation, and nulls references to the source so that it's eligible for garbage collection.
split(source:TextField, spitType:String = "characters", container:DisplayObjectContainer = null, offset:Point = null):Array
[static] This static method can be used to split apart any TextField and place the resulting TextFields into any DisplayObjectContainer.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined by
  TYPE_CHARACTERS : String = "characters"
[static] Split type: characters
  TYPE_LINES : String = "lines"
[static] Split type: lines
  TYPE_WORDS : String = "words"
[static] Split type: words
Property detail
activated:Boolean  [read-write]

When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it replaces the source's original TextField in the display list. When it is deactivated, it swaps the source's original TextField back into place

    public function get activated():Boolean
    public function set activated(value:Boolean):void
regOffsetX:Number  [read-write]

To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its x-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetX.

    public function get regOffsetX():Number
    public function set regOffsetX(value:Number):void
regOffsetY:Number  [read-write]

To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its y-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetY.

    public function get regOffsetY():Number
    public function set regOffsetY(value:Number):void
source:UIComponent  [read-write]

The source UIComponent whose TextField gets split apart.

    public function get source():UIComponent
    public function set source(value:UIComponent):void
splitType:String  [read-write]

Determines the way in which the source TextField is split apart - either by characters, words, or lines. Use the TYPE_CHARACTERS, TYPE_WORDS, and TYPE_LINES constants.

    public function get splitType():String
    public function set splitType(value:String):void
public var textFields:Array

Array of UITextFields resulting from the split (one for each character, word, or line based on the splitType)

Constructor detail
public function FlexSplitTextField(source:UIComponent = null, splitType:String = "characters", regOffsetX:Number = 0, regOffsetY:Number = 0)


source:UIComponent (default = null) — The source UIComponent whose child TextField should be split apart. Remember, its TextField will be replaced in the display list with the FlexSplitTextField (which is essentially a UIComponent containing the various resulting TextFields).
splitType:String (default = "characters") — Determines the way in which the TextField is split apart - either by characters, words, or lines. Use the TYPE_CHARACTERS, TYPE_WORDS, and TYPE_LINES constants.
regOffsetX:Number (default = 0) — To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its x-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetX.
regOffsetY:Number (default = 0) — To offset the registration point by a certain number of pixels along its y-axis (according to the FlexSplitTextField's internal coordinate system), use regOffsetY.
Method detail
public function activate():void

When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it takes the place of the source's original TextField in the display list.

public function deactivate():void

When a FlexSplitTextField is activated, it swaps the source's original TextField back into the display list. This makes it simple to animate the FlexSplitTextField's contents with TweenLite/Max and then use an onComplete to call disable() which will swap the original (source) TextField back into place.

public function destroy():void

Deactivates the FlexSplitTextField (swapping the original TextField back into place) and deletes all child TextFields that resulted from the split operation, and nulls references to the source so that it's eligible for garbage collection.

public static function split(source:TextField, spitType:String = "characters", container:DisplayObjectContainer = null, offset:Point = null):Array

This static method can be used to split apart any TextField and place the resulting TextFields into any DisplayObjectContainer. It provides the core functionality of the FlexSplitTextField class, but can be used apart from any instance thereof as well.

source:TextField — The source TextField that should be split apart. Remember, this TextField will be replaced in the display list with the FlexSplitTextField (which is essentially a Sprite containing the various resulting TextFields).
spitType:String (default = "characters") — Determines the way in which the TextField is split apart - either by characters, words, or lines. Use the TYPE_CHARACTERS, TYPE_WORDS, and TYPE_LINES constants.
container:DisplayObjectContainer (default = null) — The DisplayObjectContainer into which the new TextFields should be placed.
offset:Point (default = null) — Determines the offset x/y of the new TextFields. By default, the TextFields will be positioned in the container as though the container's registration point was aligned perfectly with the source TextField's. The source TextField's scale, rotation, and x/y coordinates will have no effect whatsoever.

Array — Array of TextFields resulting from the split.
Constant detail
public static const TYPE_CHARACTERS:String = "characters"

Split type: characters

public static const TYPE_LINES:String = "lines"

Split type: lines

public static const TYPE_WORDS:String = "words"

Split type: words