Classpublic class TweenNano

TweenNano is a super-lightweight (1.6k in AS3 and 2k in AS2) version of TweenLite and is only recommended for situations where you absolutely cannot afford the extra 3.1k (4.7k total) that the normal TweenLite engine would cost and your project doesn't require any plugins. Normally, it is much better to use TweenLite because of the additional flexibility it provides via plugins and its compatibility with TimelineLite and TimelineMax. TweenNano can do everything TweenLite can do with the following exceptions:

Any of the following special properties can optionally be passed in through the vars object (the third parameter): EXAMPLES:

Tween the the MovieClip "mc" to an alpha value of 0.5 (50% transparent) and an x-coordinate of 120 over the course of 1.5 seconds like so:

import com.greensock.TweenNano;, 1.5, {alpha:0.5, x:120});

To tween the "mc" MovieClip's alpha property to 0.5, its x property to 120 using the Back.easeOut easing function, delay starting the whole tween by 2 seconds, and then call a function named "onFinishTween" when it has completed (it will have a duration of 5 seconds) and pass a few parameters to that function (a value of 5 and a reference to the mc), you'd do so like:

import com.greensock.TweenNano;
import com.greensock.easing.Back;, 5, {alpha:0.5, x:120, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:2, onComplete:onFinishTween, onCompleteParams:[5, mc]});
function onFinishTween(param1:Number, param2:MovieClip):void {
trace("The tween has finished! param1 = " + param1 + ", and param2 = " + param2);

If you have a MovieClip on the stage that is already in it's end position and you just want to animate it into place over 5 seconds (drop it into place by changing its y property to 100 pixels higher on the screen and dropping it from there), you could:

import com.greensock.TweenNano;
import com.greensock.easing.Elastic;

TweenNano.from(mc, 5, {y:"-100", ease:Elastic.easeOut});


Copyright 2010, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for corporate Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the corporate membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  duration : Number
Duration of the tween in seconds (or in frames if "useFrames" is true).
  target : Object
Target object whose properties this tween affects.
  useFrames : Boolean
Indicates that frames should be used instead of seconds for timing purposes.
  vars : Object
Stores variables (things like "alpha", "y" or whatever we're tweening, as well as special properties like "onComplete").
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
TweenNano(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object)
complete(skipRender:Boolean = false):void
Forces the tween to completion.
delayedCall(delay:Number, onComplete:Function, onCompleteParams:Array = null, useFrames:Boolean = false):TweenNano
[static] Provides a simple way to call a function after a set amount of time (or frames).
from(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object):TweenNano
[static] Static method for creating a TweenNano instance that tweens in the opposite direction compared to a tween.
Kills the tween, stopping it immediately.
killTweensOf(target:Object, complete:Boolean = false):void
[static] Kills all the tweens of a particular object, optionally forcing them to completion too.
Renders the tween at a particular time (or frame number for frames-based tweens) WITHOUT changing its startTime, meaning if the tween is in progress when you call renderTime(), it will not adjust the tween's timing to continue from the new time.
to(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object):TweenNano
[static] Static method for creating a TweenNano instance which can be more intuitive for some developers and shields them from potential garbage collection issues that could arise when assigning a tween instance to a variable that persists.
Property detail
public var duration:Number

Duration of the tween in seconds (or in frames if "useFrames" is true).

public var target:Object

Target object whose properties this tween affects. This can be ANY object, not just a DisplayObject.

public var useFrames:Boolean

Indicates that frames should be used instead of seconds for timing purposes. So if useFrames is true and the tween's duration is 10, it would mean that the tween should take 10 frames to complete, not 10 seconds.

public var vars:Object

Stores variables (things like "alpha", "y" or whatever we're tweening, as well as special properties like "onComplete").

Constructor detail
public function TweenNano(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object)


target:Object — Target object whose properties this tween affects. This can be ANY object, not just a DisplayObject.
duration:Number — Duration in seconds (or in frames if "useFrames" is true)
vars:Object — An object containing the end values of the properties you're tweening, like {x:100, y:50}. It can also contain special properties like "onComplete", "ease", "delay", etc.
Method detail
public function complete(skipRender:Boolean = false):void

Forces the tween to completion.

skipRender:Boolean (default = false) — To skip rendering the final state of the tween, set skipRender to true.
public static function delayedCall(delay:Number, onComplete:Function, onCompleteParams:Array = null, useFrames:Boolean = false):TweenNano

Provides a simple way to call a function after a set amount of time (or frames). You can optionally pass any number of parameters to the function too. For example:

TweenNano.delayedCall(1, myFunction, ["param1", 2]);
function myFunction(param1:String, param2:Number):void {
trace("called myFunction and passed params: " + param1 + ", " + param2);

delay:Number — Delay in seconds (or frames if "useFrames" is true) before the function should be called
onComplete:Function — Function to call
onCompleteParams:Array (default = null) — An Array of parameters to pass the function.
useFrames:Boolean (default = false) — If the delay should be measured in frames instead of seconds, set useFrames to true (default is false)

TweenNano — TweenNano instance
public static function from(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object):TweenNano

Static method for creating a TweenNano instance that tweens in the opposite direction compared to a tween. In other words, you define the START values in the vars object instead of the end values, and the tween will use the current values as the end values. This can be very useful for animating things into place on the stage because you can build them in their end positions and do some simple TweenNano.from() calls to animate them into place. NOTE: By default, immediateRender is true in from() tweens, meaning that they immediately render their starting state regardless of any delay that is specified. You can override this behavior by passing immediateRender:false in the vars object so that it will wait to render until the tween actually begins. To illustrate the default behavior, the following code will immediately set the alpha of mc to 0 and then wait 2 seconds before tweening the alpha back to 1 over the course of 1.5 seconds:

TweenNano.from(mc, 1.5, {alpha:0, delay:2});

target:Object — Target object whose properties this tween affects. This can be ANY object, not just a DisplayObject.
duration:Number — Duration in seconds (or frames if "useFrames" is true)
vars:Object — An object containing the start values of the properties you're tweening like {x:100, y:50}. It can also contain special properties like "onComplete", "ease", "delay", etc.

TweenNano — TweenNano instance
public function kill():void

Kills the tween, stopping it immediately.

public static function killTweensOf(target:Object, complete:Boolean = false):void

Kills all the tweens of a particular object, optionally forcing them to completion too.

target:Object — Object whose tweens should be immediately killed
complete:Boolean (default = false) — Indicates whether or not the tweens should be forced to completion before being killed.
public function renderTime(time:Number):void

Renders the tween at a particular time (or frame number for frames-based tweens) WITHOUT changing its startTime, meaning if the tween is in progress when you call renderTime(), it will not adjust the tween's timing to continue from the new time. The time is based simply on the overall duration. For example, if a tween's duration is 3, renderTime(1.5) would render it at the halfway finished point.

time:Number — time (or frame number for frames-based tweens) to render.
public static function to(target:Object, duration:Number, vars:Object):TweenNano

Static method for creating a TweenNano instance which can be more intuitive for some developers and shields them from potential garbage collection issues that could arise when assigning a tween instance to a variable that persists. The following lines of code all produce exactly the same result:

var myTween:TweenNano = new TweenNano(mc, 1, {x:100});, 1, {x:100});
var myTween:TweenNano =, 1, {x:100});

target:Object — Target object whose properties this tween affects. This can be ANY object, not just a DisplayObject.
duration:Number — Duration in seconds (or frames if "useFrames" is true)
vars:Object — An object containing the end values of the properties you're tweening, like {x:100, y:50}. It can also contain special properties like "onComplete", "ease", "delay", etc.

TweenNano — TweenNano instance