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target — Property in class com.greensock.TweenLite
Target object whose properties this tween affects.
target — Property in class com.greensock.TweenNano
Target object whose properties this tween affects.
target — Property in class com.greensock.TweenProxy
target — Property in class com.greensock.core.PropTween
Target object
target — Property in class com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent
The loader associated with the LoaderEvent.
target — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.PathFollower
The target object associated with the PathFollower (like a Sprite, MovieClip, Point, etc.).
targets — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.MotionPath
Returns an array of all target instances associated with the PathFollowers of this path
text — Property in class com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent
For ERROR, FAIL, and CHILD_FAIL events, this text will give more details about the error or failure.
textFields — Property in class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
Array of UITextFields resulting from the split (one for each character, word, or line based on the splitType)
textFields — Property in class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
Array of TextFields resulting from the split (one for each character, word, or line based on the splitType)
timeline — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
The parent timeline on which the tween/timeline is placed.
TimelineLite — Class in package com.greensock
TimelineLite is a lightweight, intuitive timeline class for building and managing sequences of TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and/or TimelineMax instances.
TimelineLite(vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.TimelineLite
TimelineMax — Class in package com.greensock
TimelineMax extends TimelineLite, offering exactly the same functionality plus useful (but non-essential) features like AS3 event dispatching, repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo, currentLabel, addCallback(), removeCallback(), tweenTo(), tweenFromTo(), getLabelAfter(), getLabelBefore(), and getActive() (and probably more in the future).
TimelineMax(vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.TimelineMax
timeScale — Property in class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Multiplier describing the speed of the timeline where 1 is normal speed, 0.5 is half-speed, 2 is double speed, etc.
timeScale — Property in class com.greensock.TweenMax
Multiplier describing the speed of the timeline where 1 is normal speed, 0.5 is half-speed, 2 is double speed, etc.
tint — Property in class com.greensock.data.ColorTransformVars
To change a DisplayObject's tint, set this to the hex value of the color you'd like the DisplayObject to end up at(or begin at if you're using TweenLite.from()).
tint — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
To change a DisplayObject's tint, set this to the hex value of the color you'd like the DisplayObject to end up at(or begin at if you're using TweenLite.from()).
tintAmount — Property in class com.greensock.data.ColorTransformVars
TintPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
To change a DisplayObject's tint/color, set this to the hex value of the tint you'd like to end up at (or begin at if you're using TweenMax.from()).
to(target, duration, vars) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenLite
Static method for creating a TweenLite instance.
to(target, duration, vars) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenMax
Static method for creating a TweenMax instance.
to(target, duration, vars) — Static method in class com.greensock.TweenNano
Static method for creating a TweenNano instance which can be more intuitive for some developers and shields them from potential garbage collection issues that could arise when assigning a tween instance to a variable that persists.
toLocal(target) — Method in class com.greensock.layout.PinPoint
Determines a PinPoint's coordinates according to any DisplayObject's coordinate space.
TOP — Constant static property in class com.greensock.layout.AlignMode
Align with the top of the area.
TOP_CENTER — Property in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
top center of the stage
TOP_LEFT — Property in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
top left corner of the stage
TOP_RIGHT — Property in class com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage
top right corner of the stage
toString() — Method in class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Returns information about the loader, like its type, its name, and its url (if it has one).
totalDuration — Property in class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Duration of the timeline in seconds (or frames for frames-based timelines) including any repeats or repeatDelays.
totalDuration — Property in class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Duration of the timeline in seconds (or frames for frames-based timelines) including any repeats or repeatDelays.
totalDuration — Property in class com.greensock.TweenMax
Duration of the tween in seconds (or frames for frames-based timelines) including any repeats or repeatDelays.
totalDuration — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Duration of the tween in seconds (or frames for frames-based tweens/timelines) including any repeats or repeatDelays (which are only available on TweenMax and TimelineMax).
totalLength — Property in class com.greensock.motionPaths.LinePath2D
Total length of the LinePath2D as though it were stretched out in a straight, flat line.
totalProgress — Property in class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Value between 0 and 1 indicating the overall progress of the timeline according to its totalDuration where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is halfway finished, and 1 is finished.
totalProgress — Property in class com.greensock.TweenMax
Value between 0 and 1 indicating the overall progress of the tween according to its totalDuration where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is halfway finished, and 1 is finished.
totalTime — Property in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
Most recently rendered time (or frame for frames-based tweens/timelines) according to its totalDuration.
transformAroundCenter — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Applies a transformAroundCenter tween (use the TransformAroundCenterVars class to define the values).
TransformAroundCenterPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
Normally, all transformations (scale, rotation, and position) are based on the DisplayObject's registration point (most often its upper left corner), but TransformAroundCenter allows you to make the transformations occur around the DisplayObject's center.
TransformAroundCenterVars — Class in package com.greensock.data
TransformAroundCenterVars(scaleX, scaleY, rotation, width, height, shortRotation, x, y) — Constructor in class com.greensock.data.TransformAroundCenterVars
transformAroundPoint — Property in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Applies a transformAroundPoint tween (use the TransformAroundPointVars class to define the values).
TransformAroundPointPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
Normally, all transformations (scale, rotation, and position) are based on the DisplayObject's registration point (most often its upper left corner), but TransformAroundPoint allows you to define ANY point around which transformations will occur during the tween.
TransformAroundPointVars — Class in package com.greensock.data
TransformAroundPointVars(point, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, width, height, shortRotation, x, y) — Constructor in class com.greensock.data.TransformAroundPointVars
TransformEvent — Class in package com.greensock.events
Event related to actions performed by TransformManager Copyright 2009, GreenSock.
TransformEvent($type, $items, $mouseEvent, $bubbles, $cancelable) — Constructor in class com.greensock.events.TransformEvent
TransformMatrixPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
TransformMatrixPlugin allows you to tween a DisplayObject's transform.matrix values directly (a, b, c, d, tx, and ty) or use common properties like x, y, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, rotation and even shortRotation.
TweenAlign — Class in package com.greensock
Static constants for defining tween alignment.
TweenCore — Class in package com.greensock.core
TweenCore is the base class for all TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and TimelineMax classes and provides core functionality and properties.
TweenCore(duration, vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.core.TweenCore
TweenEvent — Class in package com.greensock.events
Used for dispatching events from the GreenSock Tweening Platform.
TweenEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class com.greensock.events.TweenEvent
tweenFromTo(fromTimeOrLabel, toTimeOrLabel, vars) — Method in class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Creates a linear tween that essentially scrubs the playhead from a particular time or label to another time or label and then stops.
TweenLite — Class in package com.greensock
TweenLite is an extremely fast, lightweight, and flexible tweening engine that serves as the foundation of the GreenSock Tweening Platform.
TweenLite(target, duration, vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.TweenLite
TweenLiteVars — Dynamic class in package com.greensock.data
There are 2 primary benefits of using a TweenLiteVars instance to define your TweenLite variables:
  1. In most code editors, code hinting will be activated which helps remind you which special properties are available in TweenLite
  2. It allows you to code using strict datatyping (although it doesn't force you to).

Instead of TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {x:300, tint:0xFF0000, onComplete:myFunction}), you could use this utility like:

var myVars:TweenLiteVars = new TweenLiteVars();
myVars.addProp("x", 300); // use addProp() to add any property that doesn't already exist in the TweenLiteVars instance.
myVars.tint = 0xFF0000;
myVars.onComplete = myFunction;
TweenLite.to(mc, 1, myVars);

  • This class adds about 13 Kb to your published SWF (including all dependencies).
  • This utility is completely optional.
TweenLiteVars(vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
TweenMax — Class in package com.greensock
TweenMax extends the extremely lightweight, fast TweenLite engine, adding many useful features like timeScale, event dispatching, updateTo(), yoyo, repeat, repeatDelay, rounding, and more.
TweenMax(target, duration, vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.TweenMax
TweenMaxVars — Dynamic class in package com.greensock.data
There are 2 primary benefits of using this utility to define your TweenMax variables:
  1. In most code editors, code hinting will be activated which helps remind you which special properties are available in TweenMax
  2. It allows you to code using strict datatyping (although it doesn't force you to).
TweenMaxVars(vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
TweenNano — Class in package com.greensock
TweenNano is a super-lightweight (1.6k in AS3 and 2k in AS2) version of TweenLite and is only recommended for situations where you absolutely cannot afford the extra 3.1k (4.7k total) that the normal TweenLite engine would cost and your project doesn't require any plugins.
TweenNano(target, duration, vars) — Constructor in class com.greensock.TweenNano
TweenPlugin — Class in package com.greensock.plugins
TweenPlugin is the base class for all TweenLite/TweenMax plugins.
TweenPlugin() — Constructor in class com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin
TweenProxy — Dynamic class in package com.greensock
TweenProxy essentially "stands in" for a DisplayObject, adding several tweenable properties as well as the ability to set a custom registration point around which all transformations (like rotation, scale, and skew) occur.
TweenProxy(target, ignoreSiblingUpdates) — Constructor in class com.greensock.TweenProxy
tweenTo(timeOrLabel, vars) — Method in class com.greensock.TimelineMax
Creates a linear tween that essentially scrubs the playhead to a particular time or label and then stops.
TYPE_CHARACTERS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
Split type: characters
TYPE_CHARACTERS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
Split type: characters
TYPE_LINES — Constant static property in class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
Split type: lines
TYPE_LINES — Constant static property in class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
Split type: lines
TYPE_WORDS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.text.FlexSplitTextField
Split type: words
TYPE_WORDS — Constant static property in class com.greensock.text.SplitTextField
Split type: words
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