Post Adoption Link | Sacramento

What is Medi-Cal?

All children who qualify for AAP benefits are also eligible for health care services through the Medi-Cal program.

Not all doctors or medical providers accept Medi-Cal, but there are physicians and medical providers in every community that do accept Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal can also be used for out-patient mental health services or in-patient mental health services, if necessary.

Although it is not mandatory, adoptive parents may also choose to enroll the child in a Medi-Cal HMO. If they do so, it is important that adoptive parents choose a plan that can meet their child's physical and mental health needs. The family can consult with their social worker or PAS social worker as to the advantages and disadvantages of Medical HMO enrollment. If the adoptive family has private medical insurance, the child is enrolled in the family's insurance and Medi-Cal is billed as the secondary provider.

If the family moves out of state, they are advised to apply for Medicaid in their new community. The AAP/Foster Care Hotline unit will provide the family with information regarding federal or non-federal eligibility and Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA).

Problems or concerns with Medi-Cal can be addressed by calling the Foster Care Hotline at 1-(800) 697-4444.