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What is the Adoption Assistance Program (AAP)?

The Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) is a federal program of financial assistance for adoptive children that goes into effect after the Adoptive Placement Agreement is signed. All adopted children who were dependents of the court qualify for AAP benefits.

Eligibility for AAP is based on the child's special needs at the time of adoption. A child who qualifies for AAP benefits is also eligible for health care services through the Medi-Cal program. Medi-Cal can be used for most necessary medical services. When the adopting family has private medical insurance, Medi-Cal can be used as a supplemental plan.

The adoptive child is eligible to receive AAP until the age 18. In some cases, where the child has a mental or physical disability, he or she might receive AAP Program benefits until age 21. AAP will also pay up to eighteen months in a licensed residential treatment facility if the child has a documented need for residential treatment. Contact your local AAP coordinator or contact the California Department of Social Services.